LEEARNING is now spelled with double E...

It is not just another web-based training…

The interactive learning solution LUNEEK provides the EASA Part-66 syllabus content to train staff involved in the aviation industry. The training program created by 30 Subject Matter Experts comprises 350 hours of learning material divided into 17 modules for the learning levels/target groups EASA Part-66 CAT A, CAT B1, CAT B2 and all aviation technical staff who prepare for other aviation technical qualifications.

LUNEEK can be accessed online via a web server and is compatible with tablets, PCs, and common browsers. It can be used within a blended training concept (e.g. classroom and self-paced training (hybrid-asynchronous learning)).


At a ​glance

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Module overview

Click below for the appropriate course descriptions.


A perfect mix of traditional and modern learning

Let's discover how LUNEEK can improve your training!

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LUNEEK empowers organizations to deliver consistent and standardized training, ensuring that all trainees receive the same level of knowledge and skills.

While traditional teaching methods are still utilized alongside LUNEEK, it is clear it has significantly improved the efficiency of learning and has helped students achieve better results in the EASA AML exams.

Contact me for your LUNEEK solution!

Dilek Strauss

Senior Sales Manager

Lufthansa Technical Training GmbH


Level-up your qualification & training